Evening makeup variations, makeup for photography and flim. Creative, fantasy makeup for individuals or for corporate events.
Evening hairstyles, half ups, buns, braids for individuals for or corporate events.
Our goal is to create an atmosphere where the preparation of wedding makeup and hairstyle takes place in an informal atmosphere.
Basic facial treatments, radiofrequency face lifting, needle-free mesotherapy, microcurrent face tightening, microdermabrasion, acid peeling.
100% natural collagen rope facelifting treatment. There is no pain and scars, results can be seen immediately after the treatment.
A HYA-THREAD VolumeTechnika (felszívódó non-invazív hialuron szál) olyan kezelési műveletek összessége, amelyek célja az arc volumenének növelése és a fiatalosabb megjelenés elérése, természetesen.
Workshops, individual and group makeup and hairstyle lessons. Courses, pro trainings for makeup artists and beauticians.
Personalized guidance with which you will already know what textures and colors to reach for in the future.