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Special treatments
DS V-Line Collagen Rope Protocol
- Needle-free, no pain and scars.
- Results can be seen immediately after the treatment.
- The "original" patented 100% natural collagen fibers.
- The natural facial expression is preserved.
- Immediately visible, natural-looking face lifting.
- Stops the aging process.
- Replenishes the skin's missing collagen supply.
- Regenerates the general condition of the skin.
- Strengthens the barrier layer of the epidermis.
- Long-lasting result, firmer, more radiant complexion.
- Duration of action: about 3-8 months.
- Suitable for all skin types.
Collagen rope wrinkle filling is a cosmetic treatment in which collagen fibers are inserted into wrinkles and then naturally replenished using a special protocol.
The composition of the patented original DS V-Line collagen rope made from bovine and fish collagen, as well as skin rejuvenating serums unique in their active ingredient, ensure the absorption of collagen into the deeper skin layer.
Thanks to the patented DS V-Line formula, even deeper wrinkles are visibly smoothed out.
The skin is rejuvenated by years, becomes firmer and elastic. The barrier, protective layer of the epidermis is strengthened several times.
The unique collagen rope formula is specially designed to restore the lipid barrier, activate the process of natural skin rejuvenation and deeply rejuvenate the skin. Our unique treatment increases skin elasticity, helps to restore lost volume, smoothes the texture of the skin.
In addition to the many other positives, the treatment is also excellent for men facials, as it is quick, easy, painless and you can only feel a small massage while applying the collagen fibers to the treated area. It provides perfect skin hydration, retains natural features while lifting small areas of the face.
Intensive pretreatment opens the TDN channels in the skin. The collagen fibers are attached to the skin with our tweezers technique, which is mixed with the DS V-Line patented collagen serum and delivered to the skin by biochemical transformation. Through the already open TDN channels, the active ingredients in NANO form reach fibroblasts and fibrocytes completely painlessly and without needles.
- Eyebrows and forehead are raised and smoothed out.
- Wrinkles around the eyes are smoothed out.
- The cheeks become firmer and smoother.
- Lips become fuller.
- The contours of the jaw line will be more delicate.
- Nasolabial folds are reduced.
- The lower face rises, the marionette lines decrease.
- In addition to wrinkle removal, the skin becomes more elastic and firm.
- The hydrated, more compact, barrier layer of the skin regenerates, rejuvenates for years.
- Local skin infection such as herpes
- Inflamed skin area
- Open wounds on the treated surface
- Acne, eczema, rashes
- Skin cancer
- Autoimmune disease
- Body under the influence of alcohol or a drug
- Acute conjunctivitis
- Acute-chemotherapy
- Febrile infections
- HIV infection
- Neurodermatitis
- Cancer diseases
- Long-term use of a blood thinning drug

Needle-free mesotheraphy
During the treatment, medical grade active ingredients are injected into the deeper layers of the skin. Many existing skin problems can be prevented and treated thanks to ampoules and cocktails with a wide range of active ingredients.
How does needle-free mesotherapy work?
The active ingredients are introduced into the deeper layers of the skin using electroporation.
Today, it is a widespread procedure, during which micro channels open in the layers of cell membranes.
Through these channels, ionic, non-ionic, water- and fat-soluble active substances can be introduced into the cells, regardless of their molecular weight. You can successfully combine electroporation with microdermabrasion, so the permeability of the skin increases significantly. Therefore, it promotes the introduction of micro- and macromolecules into the deeper layers of the skin, including high molecular weight active ingredients, such as elastin, hyaluronic acid, collagen, amino acids.
ZEMITS Klein Meso
Our microcurrent facial treatment machine represents the top category. Zemits is an American brand that embodies clean and elegant lines, maximum results, quality and the balance of the price-value ratio. Not only our specialist is happy to work with a Zemits machine, but our guests can also experience Zemits' unique microcurrent treatment protocol and the sight of effectiveness.
It is recommended for the treatment of the following aesthetic skin problems caused by hormonal, circulation or lifestyle:
- Anti-aging treatment with botox-like cosmetic active ingredients, firming and anti-wrinkle cocktails
- Hydration of dehydrated skin with low, medium or high molecular weight hyaluronic acid and vitamin C
- Treatment and lightening of pigment spots with glycolic acid, vitamin C or active ingredient cocktail
- Treatment of inflamed acne and scarred skin with sebum-regulating active ingredients, 2% salicylic acid or an active ingredient cocktail
- Treatment of stressed, photodamaged skin
- Treatment of rosacea with anti-inflammatory, circulation-improving agents and antioxidants
- Treatment of the eye area, refinement of small facial wrinkles with elastin and hyaluronic acid
Depending on the active ingredient:
- softer, healthier skin surface,
- wrinkles fade, the skin looks smoother,
- tighter, younger looking skin,
- the condition of acne improves, pimples recede, inflammation subsides,
- softens under-eye circles,
- tightens the pores, restores the skin's oil production,
- reduces the appearance of liver spots/freckles/other pigmentations,
- in the long term, it replenishes the skin with active ingredients, thereby stimulating the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.
- pregnancy
- pacemaker
- epilepsy
- dermatitis, skin infection (eczema, herpes, fresh tattoo, active acne)
- surgery (within 40 days after surgery)
- in the case of botox

Hydra Pen
A Hydra Pen a legmodernebb nano-tűs technológia, amely lehetővé teszi a célzott hatóanyag-bejuttatást a bőr mélyebb rétegeibe, ezáltal látványosan javítva a bőr textúráját és tónusát. Ez a módszer lehetővé teszi, hogy a bőrápolási hatóanyagokat azonnal vagy fokozatosan alkalmazzuk, elősegítve a bőr regenerálódását és javítva annak megjelenését. Az apró, ellenőrzött nyílások létrehozásával a nano-tűs technológia biztosítja, hogy a hatóanyagok mélyebben hatoljanak a bőrbe, növelve a bőrön keresztüli felszívódást és maximalizálva a terápiás vagy kozmetikai hatást.
Ez a technológia biztonságos, nem károsítja a bőrt, így kimagasló bőrápolási eredményeket lehet vele elérni minimális traumát okozva a bőrnek.
Az eljárás ideális választás a szem alatti sötét karikák, fakó bőrtónus, finom ráncok és egyenetlen bőrfelszín kezelésére.
Miért különleges a Hydra Pen kezelés?
A kezelés során személyre szabott hatóanyag-kombinációkat alkalmazunk, amelyek a bőr állapotának megfelelően kerülnek kiválasztásra. A nano-tűs eljárás finoman stimulálja a bőr természetes regenerációs folyamatait, miközben a hatóanyagok – mint a hialuronsav, vitaminok és peptidek – közvetlenül a bőr mélyebb rétegeibe jutnak.
A Hydra Pen előnyei:
- Precíz és fájdalommentes eljárás a legmodernebb eszközökkel.
- Célzott hatóanyag-bejuttatás a maximális eredmény érdekében.
- Gyors felépülési idő, minimális kellemetlenséggel.
- Azonnali hidratálás és bőrmegújítás már az első alkalom után.
A Hydra Pen kezelést mindazoknak ajánljuk, akik szeretnék bőrüket feszesebbé, üdébbé és egyenletesebbé varázsolni, kompromisszumok nélkül.
- Hidratálja a bőrt
- Csökenti a ráncokat és a finom vonalakat
- Összehúzza a pórusokat

Radiofrequency face lifting
Bipolar Radio Frequency (RF) technology is an innovative approach that maximizes the benefits of RF technology. It is extremely effective, immediately after the first treatment it becomes visible that the skin will be tighter and full of life.
It is practically painless, there is no surgical intervention, and you can immediately return to your daily activities after the treatment. Effective for all skin types and skin colors. During the treatment we work with selective heat which heats the lower layers of the skin up to 70 degrees, thereby stimulating the production of collagen and elastin.
Almost every guest can see immediate results after the first treatment. The skin is tighter, the wrinkles on the face are smoother. Used as a long term treatment, a spectacular change can be achieved, it noticeably reduces fine lines and wrinkles, raises the contour of the face and neck, and when used as a body treatment, it improves the tone of the arms, abdominal wall, thighs and buttocks, and tightens.
- no side effects
- during the treatment, a pleasant, mild feeling of heat is felt
- after the treatment, a slight internal "heated feeling" is experienced and skin redness is visible,
- the treatment is so guest-friendly that you can immediately return to your daily routine, there is no recovery period.
- immediate skin tightening,
- stimulates collagen formation,
- applied as a cure, it visibly smoothes, tightens, lifts the eyelids and drooping eyelids,
- after the third session, the depth of wrinkles is visibly reduced,
- during the treatment, we work with selective heat (not with a flash light), so it can be used at any time of the year,
- refilling of wrinkles and scars (natural regeneration of collagen and elastin)
- metal implant in the area to be treated,
- immunodeficiency,
- taking medication that weakens the immune system,
- skin disease in the area to be treated,
- tumor,
- pregnancy.
Microcurrent facial tightening
Microcurrent facial rejuvenation with ZEMITS ADRINOX enables the delivery of low-pulse electric waves all the way up to facial muscles.
- Skin rejuvenation
- Skin lifting, a spectacular increase in the tone of the face
- Increases collagen synthesis
- It accelerates the production of elastin and collagen, as well as new skin cells
- Micro current facial massage with micro current gloves for maximum effect
How does microcurrent work?
Microcurrent therapy uses low-pulse electric current to work the muscles of the face. The principle of the effect of microcurrents is based on the restoration of normal internal cellular metabolic processes. The microcurrent sends soft, gentle waves through the skin, through the tissues all the way to the facial muscles, thus influencing the nutrient supply of the cells by stimulating the muscle fibers.
Micromassage allows the restoration of muscle tone, the reduction of deep wrinkles and edema, the improvement of ATP synthesis (intracellular energy production), which is the key to the regeneration of structural proteins such as collagen and elastin, as well as the preparation of the skin for plastic surgery and polishing procedures.
ZEMITS Adrinox
Our microcurrent facial treatment machine represents the top category. Zemits is an American brand that embodies clean and elegant lines, maximum results, quality and the balance of the price-value ratio. Not only our specialist is happy to work with a Zemits machine, but our guests can also experience Zemits' unique microcurrent treatment protocol and the sight of effectiveness.
- improves skin tone,
- reduces the appearance of sagging skin,
- the facial contour will be tighter,
- improves muscle tone,
- improves the general appearance of the skin,
- skin hydration improves,
- reduces fine lines, wrinkles,
- reduces puffiness, signs of edema,
- reduces dark circles.
- metal implant in the area to be treated,
- immunodeficiency,
- skin disease in the area to be treated,
- tumor,
- pregnancy,
- botox.
Microdermabrasion (diamond-head skin grinding) gently and quickly removes the dead, thickened epidermal layer from the surface of the skin, without scarring.
During the treatment, we work with a treatment head coated with diamond grains and with the help of a vacuum. The strength of the vacuum is adjusted according to the skin's needs. During the treatment (sanding) the dead skin cells are separated from the skin surface. The treatment is completely painless thus you can immediately return to your daily routine.
Due to its strong grinding mechanism, the treatment is recommended from autumn to spring.
- for acne-prone skin,
- for the treatment of remaining acne scars and scars,
- to lighten pigment spots,
- for the treatment of fine wrinkles,
- for stressed, sun-damaged skin,
- to open the skin for a more effective intake of active ingredients, for example before needle-free mesotherapy.
- more uniform skin tone,
- cleaner, smoother skin surface,
- more flexible, tighter skin.
- herpes,
- eczema, psoriasis,
- an open wound that has not yet healed,
- in case of weakened vessel walls,
- bleeding,
- diabetes,
- skin tumor,
- drugs that cause photosensitivity,
- It cannot be used together with IPL laser treatment.
Brands we love
The concept of Organique is based on the choice of natural ingredients and respect for nature. It combines the ancient traditions of different cultures of the world in special massage rituals. They strive to make Organique cosmetics as effective and natural as possible. The plant active ingredients are ecocert certified. The products are free from animal testing, several of their products are vegan and environmentally friendly!
Toscani is a laboratory in Barcelona with 30 years of pharmaceutical experience in the production of injectable, mesotherapy, cosmetic and chemical peeling products. The company is committed to creating products that contain the latest generation active ingredients such as peptides, biorevitalizers and liposomal active ingredients. Toscani conveys the We Care® message. Science and research are part of the company's DNA and enable the development of products that are effective, safe and innovative.
Yellow Rose
Many doctors and scientists mention the healing effect of the yellow rose in their works, saying that the yellow rose, which is short-lived in itself, prolongs the perfect beauty of human skin. That's why the factory's symbol is the yellow rose. They goal over several generations was to combine the rich palette of active ingredients provided by nature with the latest achievements of science.
The products of Janssen Cosmetics are made up of unique ingredients of medicinal plants, biotechnological ingredients and marine extracts. To this day, their developments are carried out in the best German laboratories, and their results are immediately incorporated into their products. The active ingredients of its preparations include several world patents, such as Hydro Chitosan, Elhilin, Desaron or Immucell.